The SFT team has put together a couple of simple meal plans to use as a guide on your fitness journey -- we are happy to provide more information regarding nutrition and healthy eating habits for our SpoonFed community.
MEAL 1: Herbalife Nutrition Shake (F1 + PDM), Tea, Aloe, Vitamins
MEAL 2: Lean Protein-Based Snack
MEAL 3: Lean Meal (1/3 Lean Protein & 2/3 Complex Carbs), Tea, Vitamins
MEAL 4: Lean Protein-Based Snack
MEAL 5: Lean Meal or Herbalife Nutrition Shake, Vitamins
MEAL 6 (Optional): Lean Protein-Based Snack
TIPS: Eat breakfast within the first hour of waking up. Eat every 2-3 hours after breakfast. Eat at resting metabolic rate to maintain. Eat under resting metabolic rate for Weight Loss. Use HLF Nutrition Shake as post-recovery within 30 min after cardio or strength training workout. Incorporate nutritional supplements as directed.
Formula 1 Nutrition Shake (F1)
Protein Drink Mix
Prolessa Duo
Herbal Tea Concentrate
Mango Aloe Concentrate
Cell-U-Loss (3x/day)
Multi Vitamin (3x/day)
Cell Activator (2x/day)
MEAL 1: Herbalife Sports Nutrition Shake, Tea, Vitamins
MEAL 2: Lean Meal (1/3 Lean Protein & 2/3 Complex Carbs)
MEAL 3: Lean Meal, Tea, Vitamins
MEAL 4: Lean Protein-Based Snack
MEAL 5: Lean Meal (1/3 Lean Protein & 2/3 Vegetables Only), Vitamins
MEAL 6 (Optional): Lean Protein-Based Snack
Tips: Eat breakfast within the first hour of waking up. Eat every 2-3 hours after breakfast. Eat at or above resting metabolic rate for Get Ripped Program. Use Prepare as Pre-Workout Drink. Use HLF24 Rebuild Strength as post-recovery w/in 30 min after cardio or strength training workout. Incorporate nutritional supplements as directed.
Get Ripped Nutrition Products
Formula 1 Nutrition Shake
Rebuild Strength
Vitamins Herbalifeline (2x/day)
Total Control (2-3x/day)
Herbal Tea Concentrate